"Ashtanga" literally means eight limbs. They are described by Patanjali as: Yama (abstinences), Niyama (Observances), Asana (Postures), Pranayama (Breath Control), Pratyahara (Sense withdrawal), Dharana (Concentration), Dhyana (Meditation), and Samadhi (Contemplation). These branches support each other. Asana practice must be established for proper practice of pranayama, and is a key to the development of the yamas and niyamas. Once these four externally oriented limbs are firmly rooted, the last four internally oriented limbs will spontaneously evolve over time.
Sharmila teaches at Kpjay shala, Jayanagar, Bangalore . All classes are taught in Mysore style. We accept students at any level and help them through their practice.
"Ashtanga" : Yama, Niyama , Asana , Pranayama , Pratyahara , Dharana, Dhyana , and Samadhi. These branches support each other.
Sharmila was born in Mysore and was blessed to have grown up in a yoga family. From an early age she and her brother Sharath started practicing yoga informally by imitating students who had come to study with their grandfather, the esteemed and world-renowned, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, known by his students as 'Guruji'.
She would demonstrate her abilities to her friends and neighbours and she and Sharath were even asked to give demonstrations at the local police station.
At the age of 18, Sharmila began formal instruction with her mother every day after college in her regular afternoon classes.
Sharmila has been practicing yoga continuously since the age of 18 with the exception of the first trimesters of both of her pregnancies.
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